Be the Tree is possible through generous donations from the community.  The easiest way to donate is online by credit card through Square or via Paypal by credit card or bank draft.


You can mail checks or money orders to Be the Tree, 13211 Ambrose Dr, Frisco, Texas, 75035.

Shopping at Amazon Smile through the link below will also contribute to our cause.

Amazon Smile

We also can accept unused, non-expiring, fee-free gift cards from most merchants. The stores we are in most need of are clothing (JCPenney, Kohl’s, Old Navy,) restaurant and grocery, children and infant stores (Buy Buy Baby, Carter’s,) and general merchandise (Target, Wal-Mart.)  Entertainment cards (iTunes, Google Play, AMC, Cinemark) are also welcome.

Christmas trees and decorations will be needed to deliver the gifts each year. We use 3 ft, pre-lit, artificial trees for our delivery and the recipients get to keep the tree as part of their gift.  We currently use these trees from Target for our deliveries.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!